
宫腔手术后预防宫腔粘连的研究现状 被引量:12

Current Situation of Prevention of Intrauterine Adhesion After Intrauterine Operation
摘要 宫腔粘连(intrauterine adhesion,IUA)是宫腔手术后常见并发症,是导致子宫性不孕的主要原因。对于IUA最重要的是进行预防,术后口服避孕药及宫内节育器的置入在临床上应用广泛,同时具有避孕的作用。使用球囊导尿管需住院治疗,且术后应用广谱抗生素预防上行感染。防粘连产品的应用需考虑患者经济因素。羊膜移植的有效性有待进一步研究证实。早期门诊宫腔镜检查是预防IUA的发展趋势。 Intrauterine adhesion is a common complication after intrauterine operation and is one of the main causes leading to uteral infertility. The most important programme for IUA is prevention,oral contraceptives and the insertion of an intrauterine device are widely used clinically and have contraceptive effect at the same time. The placement of balloon catheter needs hospitalization and broad-spectrum antibiotic administered postoperation to prevent ascending infection from the vagina. In the applying of adhesion prevention products,the patients′ economy condition should be taken into consideration. The effective of Amnion graft need further research to confirm. Early second-look with a flexible hysteroscope in the office setting is the tendency.
作者 王琴 许学先
出处 《国际妇产科学杂志》 CAS 2011年第5期411-414,共4页 Journal of International Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 避孕药 口服 宫内避孕器 透明质酸 羊膜 移植 宫腔粘连 球囊导尿管 Contraception oral Intrauterine device Hyaluronic acid Mnion Transplantation Intrauterine adhesion Balloon catheter
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