
吸入辅助装置在哮喘和慢性阻塞性肺疾病治疗中的应用 被引量:3

Application of add-on devices for inhalation in the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
摘要 以儿童与老年人为主体的特定人群,熟练掌握吸入产品的使用技术有一定难度,尤其是在压力定量吸入气雾剂(pMDI)的使用中,辅助装置的使用较为关键。吸入辅助装置可降低pMDI使用过程中对"揿压并吸入"的协同要求,还能增加药物在肺部的沉积剂量,提高疗效。本文简要综述吸入辅助装置在哮喘和慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)治疗中的应用与吸入辅助装置的推广使用情况。 For a certain group of people,such as children and the elderly,they are not able to master the specific inhalation method,especially the technique of pMDI inhalation.Therefore,add-on devices for inhalation are necessary.pMDI add-on devices can decrease the need for coordination between actuation and inhalation.Furthermore,they are also able to increase lung deposition and improve therapeutic effects.This review gives a brief introduction to application of add-on devices for inhalation in the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD),and it also covers promotion of the use of add-on devices.
出处 《世界临床药物》 CAS 2011年第11期696-701,共6页 World Clinical Drug
基金 上海市重点科技攻关专项资助(项目编号10dz2251400)
关键词 PMDI 吸入辅助装置 管道储雾器 单向储雾器 逆流装置 面罩 抗静电储雾器 pMDI add-on devices for inhalation tube spacers holding chambers reverse flow devices face masks static-free add on devices
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