1M.Baron:Moral Paragons and Metaphysics of Morals,in:Graham Bird(ed.):A Companion to Kant,Blackwell Publishing,2006,p.335.
2R.Louden:Applying Kant's Ethicss The Role of Anthropology,in G.Bird,A Companion to Kant,Blackwell Publishing,2006,p.352.
3Robert Louden:Applying Kant's Ethics:Anthropology,in:Graham Bird(ed.):A Companion to Kant,Blackwell Publishing,2006,p.362.
5Kant:Metaphysics of morals,in Practical philosophy,Cambridge,1999 paperback edition,p.529.
6Graham Bird(ed.)..A Companion to Kant,Blackwell Publishing,2006,p.355.
7T.Hill,Jr,Kantian Virtue and "Virtue Ethics",Monika Batzler:Kant's Ethics of Virtue,Walter de Gruyter Gmbh,2008,p.41.
8Lara Denis:Kant's Conception of Virtue,in Paul Guyer (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy,Cambridge University Press,2006,p.511.
9Peter Singer:How Are We to Live? Ethics in an Age of self Interest,Prometheus Books,1995,p.183.
10Onora ONeill:Kantian ethics.In P.Singer:A com panion to ethics,Blackwell,1993,p.175.