
Steering Multiple Reverse Current into Unidirectional Current in Deterministic Ratchets

Steering Multiple Reverse Current into Unidirectional Current in Deterministic Ratchets
摘要 Recent investigations have shown that with varying the amplitude of the external force,the deterministicratchets exhibit multiple current reversals,which are undesirable in certain circumstances.To control the multiple reversecurrent to unidirectional current,an adaptive control law is presented inspired from the relation between multiple reversalscurrent and the chaos-periodic/quasiperiodic transition of the transport velocity.The designed controller can stabilizethe transport velocity of ratchets to steady state and suppress any chaos-periodic/quasiperiodic transition,namely,thestable transport in ratchets is achieved,which makes the current sign unchanged. Recent investigations have shown that with varying the amplitude of the external force, the deterministic ratchets exhibit multiple current reversals, which are undesirable in certain circumstances. To control the multiple reverse current to unidirectional current, an adaptive control law is presented inspired from the relation between multiple reversaJs current and the chaos-periodic/quasiperiodic transition of the transport velocity. The designed controller can stabilize the transport velocity of ratchets to steady state and suppress any chaos-periodic/quasiperiodic transition, namely, the stable transport in ratchets is achieved, which makes the current sign unchanged.
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期891-894,共4页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10862001 and 10947011 the Construction of Key Laboratories in Universities of Guangxi under Grant No. 200912
关键词 反向电流 棘轮 单向 自适应控制法 督导 调查表 运输 控制器 deterministic ratchets, multiple current reversals, unidirectional current, adaptive control
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