
我国上市软件公司全要素生产率实证研究 被引量:10

Demonstration Study on the Total Factor Productivity of Software Industry Which Listed on Stock in China
摘要 全要素生产率是近年来研究的热点,它是反映一个国家、地区产业内生增长的一个重要指标。软件产业与一般的产业有很大不同,软件技术本身就是替代脑力劳动为主的一门信息技术,因此研究软件产业的内生增长需要重点考虑人力因素。本文着重从全要素生产率的角度,运用非参数估计方法对于我国软件产业的10个上市公司进行考察。同时通过对软件行业近10年的全要素生产率变化变动情况,以及通过人力资本模型在总量增长模式两个方面进行详细分析与描述。有针对性地提出相关对策建议,这对于政府制定软件产业发展政策、合理配置人力资本资源有重要意义。本文研究思路基本如下:首先是对国内外关于全要素生产率估计方法以及有关人力资本的重要相关文献的简要回顾;在此基础上,提出本文的理论基础以及实证方法;然后着重从人力资本的数据选取上作出分析和判断;并且对于全要素生产率和人力资本方法的实证结果作出基本的描述和初步解释;最后是对文章的结论和政策涵义作出简要总结。 The Total Factor Productivity research is one of hot point in academe,and it is also one important index of reflecting the inner growth of state,region or industry.It is very different between the software industry and the others.Software is the technology to substitute human's brain-work.So,we should pay more attention on Human Resource on study the inner growth of software industry.This article take the ten software companies as case which are listed on stock,and research on Total Factor Productivity of software industry in China based on Malmquist.And discusses the variability of Total Factor Productivity of software industry in China in the past ten years,and the total increasing model including the Human resource.At last,this article gives the policies of software inddusty. This paper first review the key domestic and overseas literatures and papers about the Total Factor Productivity research and Human Resource research.Then we put forward this paper's theory basic and demonstration method.Base on them,we choose Human Resource Data to study the Total Factor Productivity of software industry.And we give out the basic describe and explain to the demonstration result.At last,this paper also give some policy suggestions for our state.
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 2011年第2期7-12,共6页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所重大课题项目:信息技术经济学研究的部分成果
关键词 全要素生产率 信息技术经济学 软件经济学 MALMQUIST指数法 技术经济学 Total Factor Productivity Economics of Information Technology Software Economics Malmquist Methods Technical Economics
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