
大学生志愿者动机问卷的初步编制及信效度检验 被引量:4

Preliminary Research on Volunteering Motivation Inventory for College Students and Its Reliability and Validity
摘要 编制一份适合我国大学生群体的志愿者动机的测量问卷。方法:在文献分析和开放问卷的基础上编制项目并对100名大学生的初测数据进行项目分析,对360名大学生的施测数据进行因素分析形成最终问卷,并对问卷的信效度进行检验。结果:①最终问卷包括亲社会性动机、自我服务动机和体验寻求动机三个维度,共25个项目;②各维度Cronbachα系数在0.717~0.830之间;各维度与问卷总分相关在0.165~0.566之间,各维度之间的相关在0.165~0.566之间;③志愿行为与亲社会性动机、自我服务动机显著正相关,与体验寻求动机相关不显著。结论:大学生志愿者动机问卷具有较好的心理测量学特征,适用于大学生群体使用。 The objective of this paper is to develop a volunteering motivation inventory for college students.Items were developed on the basis of literature review and an open-ended questionnaire and the items with 100 students' data were analyzed.Exploratory factorial analysis were conducted to form the final inventory and the reliability and validity were tested with another sample of 360 college students' data.The results of the research show that:(1)The volunteering motivation inventory consists of 25 items,including three dimensions:altruistic,self-serving and experience-seeking motivation.(2)The Cronbach α of the three dimensions ranges from 0.717~0.830.The coefficient of correlation between total score and each dimension ranges from 0.165~0.566,while intercorrelations of dimensions range from 0.165~0.566;and(3)The scores of the altruism and self-serving motivation are significantly related to the score of volunteering behavior,while experience-seeking motivation is unrelated to it.The conclusion of the research has drawn is that the volunteering motivation inventory has good psychometric attributes and can be used to undergradutes population.
出处 《皖西学院学报》 2011年第5期23-26,共4页 Journal of West Anhui University
基金 安徽省教育厅人文社会科学研究一般项目(2011sk083) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(11YJC190033)
关键词 志愿行为 动机 问卷法 大学生 volunteering motivation college students questionnaire method
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