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3Constitution of the World Health Organization,opened for signatures. 62 Stat.6279,14U.N.T.S185 . 1946
4Constitution of the World Health Organization,at art.11. 62 Stat.6279,14U.N.T.S185 . 1946
5Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action,U.N.GAOR, World Conference on Human Rights,78th Sess.22d plen.mtg.part 1,art. 5. U.N.Doe.A/CONF 157/23 . 1993
6Mont.Const.art.Ⅱ,§3. .
7Ian Shapiro.The Evolution of Right in Liberal Theory. . 1986
8Restatement(Third)of Foreign Relations Law §459 cmt c. . 1987