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3Canada-DFAIT, "Projecting Canadian Values and Norms", Canada in the World-Canadian Foreign Policy Review-1995, http://www, dfait-waeci, gc. ca/foreignpolicy.
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6Evan H. Potter , "Web 2.0 and the new public diplomacy: impact and opportunities", February 23,2009, http://www. webeehive, corn/index, php? option = corn_ content&task = viewoid = 929.
7Jozef Batora, "Public Diplomacy in Small and Medium-Sized States: Norway and Canada", February 2005, http://ccges. apps01, yorku, ca/old-site/IMG/pdf/13_Batora, pdf.
8Joseph S. Nye, "The New Public Diplomacy", February 10, 2010, http://www, project-syndicate, org/commentary/ nye79/English.
9James K. Glassman,"State's Glassman Speech on Anniversary of September 11 Attack", September 11,2008, http:// www. america, gov/st/peacesec-chinese/2008/September/ 20080912112648eaifas0. 8478968. html.
10Canada-DFAIT, "Economic Impact of International Education in Canada", http://www, dfait-maeci, gc. ca/education/impact, aspx7 lang = eng.