
略论魁北克“平静革命”的失败 被引量:3

A Preliminary Study on the Failure of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec
摘要 "平静革命"虽然产生了深远的社会文化影响,但自由党改革的目标远未实现,并且引发了激进主义为特征的社会失控,自由党在反对声中下野,改革总体告败。究其根源,自由党先天施政基础脆弱,无力实施如此改革;变革社会幅度过大,超乎民众承受限度;政治动员本身存在助长激进主义的内因。 In spite of the far-reaching influence in Quebec society and culture, the Quiet Revolution was far from achieving its aims. It signified a society featuring radicalism out of control and the Liberal party suffered a overwhelming opposition in the 1966 election. The reasons for this are: the Liberal party had no capability to carry out such extensive and fundamental reforms; the Quiet Revolution initiated a drastic changes the populace couldn't accept; the political mobilization the Liberal party lunched for the reforms contributed inherently to the radicalist power.
作者 王建波
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期43-47,共5页 History Teaching
基金 加拿大外交和国际贸易部的资助
关键词 魁北克 ”平静革命” 失败 自由党 Quebec, Quiet Revolution, Failure, Liberal party
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