目的总结应用Q-开关激光治疗黄褐斑的效果和经验。方法应用Medlite C6 Q-开关激光,以1064nm波长,6~8mm光斑照射面部,1次/W,10~15次为总疗程。结果治疗92例,基本治愈38例(41.3%),显效42例(45.7%),好转12例(13.0%),总有效率为87.0%,患者耐受性好,无明显副作用。结论Medlite C6 Q-开关激光治疗黄褐斑安全有效,可为黄褐斑治疗提供一种新手段。
Objective To evaluate the eff icacy and experience of Q-switched laser in the treatment of melasma.Methods Ninety-two patients with melasma were enrolled in study.Subjects received a total of 10~15 Q-switched laser treatments at one week intervals.Wavelengths of 1064 nm and light spot of 6mm were both used.Results Ninety-two patients completed the trial.The physician evaluation was that 41.3% of patients achieved 90% to 100% clearance and 45.7% achieved 60% to 90% clearance.Side effects was minimal and all the patients tolerated the treatment well.Conclusion Medlite C6 Q-switched laser affords a new treatment method for the treatment of melasma that combines decreased risk and downtime with signif icant eff icacy.
Journal of Practical Dermatology