

The influence of common anterior tooth malocclusion on the social attractiveness of children
摘要 目的了解常见前牙错对儿童社会生活的影响。方法2007年3月至5月在大连市口腔医院正畸科选择公认的好看和不好看的7~11岁男、女孩微笑照片各1张,将每张照片换上5种不同排列的前牙,得到20张黑白照片。随机抽取大连市内4区3所小学853人和3所大学高年级研究生560人作为评价者,进行照片评价,采用5度分法评价5个社会生活方面影响。结果好看的面部得分均值高于不好看的面部得分。儿童同龄人评价中在是否好看和友好上差异有统计学意义,排列整齐的切牙、前突切牙和前牙反的得分较高,而前牙间隙和前牙不齐伴虎牙得分较低。成年人评价中只在是否容易交到朋友上差异有统计学意义,前突切牙和排列整齐的切牙得分较高,其次为不齐伴虎牙、反;前牙间隙得分最低。结论容貌好的儿童会得到较多肯定的评价,而容貌丑陋的会得到更多否定的评价。同龄人认为前牙整齐及前突的儿童更好看、更友好,前牙间隙最不被同龄人和年轻成年评价者接受。 Objective To explore whether the social attractiveness of a child (7 to 11 years)would be influenced by his or her anterior tooth malocclusion through investigating the local peers and lay young adults. Methods Black and white photographs of an attractive boy and girl and an unattractive boy and girl were obtained and modified so that, for each face, five different photographic versions were available. In each version, the child’s face was standardized except that a different anterior tooth arrangement was demonstrated. These were normal incisors, prominent incisors, a missing lateral incisor, severely crowded incisors, and anterior crossbite . Randomly select eight hundred and fifty-three local primary school students and five hundred and sixty upperclass graduate students from local three universities to evaluate the twenty photographs .Each evaluator was required to answer five five-point questions according to each photo. Results Peers evaluation showed normal incisors, prominent incisors and anterior crossbite gained a higher score , while a missing lateral incisor and severely crowded incisors gained a lower score .Young adults evaluation showed normal incisors and prominent incisors gained a higher score,while severely crowded incisors and anterior crossbite and a missing lateral incisor gained a lower score. An attractive boy and girl’s score was always higher than unattractive boy and girl’s, no matter which anterior malocclusions existed. Conclusions Children with a normal incisors and prominent incisors would be judged to be better looking, more desirable as friends. Peers and young adults can’t accept children’s anterior space . In general ,no matter which anterior malocclusions exist,an attractive boy and girl always gains a positive evaluation, and an unattractive boy and girl always gains a negative evaluation.
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2008年第7期432-435,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 前牙错 儿童 社会生活 anterior tooth malocclusion children social attractiveness
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