

Study on Proxy Caching Technology for Streaming Media
摘要 代理缓存是降低流媒体点播系统数据传输代价的一项关键技术,但目前现有的缓存方案,由于受到代理本身缓存空间大小和代理与客户端缺少协作的限制,效率不是很高。针对纯代理缓存系统的不足,文章提出了一种采用代理与客户端缓存协作的方式来弥补以上的不足。通过整合客户端的缓存空间来扩充系统总的缓存空间,依靠代理服务器实现资源的部署与协调。仿真结果显示,对比纯代理缓存系统,由于客户端缓存空间的加入,能显著减少主干网的带宽消耗,降低流媒体数据传输代价。 Proxy caching is a key technique to reduce transmission cost for streaming media system.The effectiveness of current caching schemes,however,is limited by the insufficient storage space and weak cooperation among proxies and their clients.In this paper,we propose an approach,which leverages the client-side caching to amplify the aggregated cache space and rely on dedicated proxies to effectively coordinate the communications.The simulation results show that,it reduces backbone network bandwidth consumption and achieves remarkably lower transmission cost as compared to pure proxy-based caching with limited storage space.
出处 《电子技术(上海)》 2008年第6期70-73,共4页 Electronic Technology
关键词 流媒体 代理缓存 缓存协作 内部流行度 streaming media proxy caching cooperative caching internal popularity
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