
一种新颖快速的二进制搜索防碰撞算法 被引量:2

A New Rapid Binary Search Anti-Collision Algorithm
摘要 本文讨论了RFID系统中能同时识别多个标签的防碰撞算法,分析了ALOHA和二进制树两类防碰撞算法的特点,提出了一种新颖快速的二进制搜索防碰撞算法。该防碰撞算法不仅具有二进制树算法的优点,而且能通过查询循环来获取所有的标签前缀,减少查询次数。分析和仿真结果表明,该防碰撞算法系统识别效率最高可达83.0%,远高于系统识别效率为50%的跳跃式二进制算法(JDS)和系统识别效率为43.0%的前缀查询树算法(PRQT)。 This article describes an anti-collision algorithm to prevent collision in the RFID system when reading multiple tags. The article also analyses the characteristics of two anti-collision algorithm, ALOHA and Binary Tree, and propose a new Rapid Anti-collision binary search algorithm. The new anti-collision algorithm not only has the advantages of the binary tree algorithm, it is also able to obtain all of the label prefix by cycling through and enquiring all the labels, reducing the amount of enquiring cycles. Analysis and simulation results show that the new anti-collision algorithm identification system has an efficiency of as high as 83.0%, which is a much better than the Jumping Binary Algorithm (JDS) and the Prefix Questioning Tree Algorithm (PRQT), which only have an efficiency of 50%.and 43.0% respectively.
出处 《射频世界》 2008年第3期26-28,共3页
关键词 RFID 防碰撞算法 ALOHA 二进制树 RFID, Anti-Collision Algorithm, ALOHA, Binary Tree
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