

The perceived risk in udergoing of HIV testing
摘要 对于HIV检测的服务利用,目标人群会主观上感知到许多风险,这些风险是阻碍服务利用的重要因素。本文基于消费行为理论和感知风险理论,对HIV检测中感知风险的产生、发展和内容进行深入分析和理解,从而为改善HIV检测服务、促进服务利用提供参考和建议。 People who want to take the HIV test will face lots of perceived risks.These risks are important obstacle factors for people to take the test.Based on the consumer behavior theory and perceived risk theory,we analyze the perceived risks in HIV test in-depth, including the source,development,and contents of the risks.At the end,we give some advice of how to improve the utilization of the HIV test service.
作者 陶立波
出处 《中国药物经济学》 2008年第1期73-78,共6页 China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics
关键词 HIV检测 感知风险 服务利用 HIV test perceived risk health service utilization
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