1Milton I. Roemer, M. D, :An Introduction to the U. S. Health Care System, Springer Publishing Company, Inc. New York, 1982,p.3,p.8,p.1,p.2.
2Marshall W. Raffel, Norrna K. Raft'el, The U.S. Health System: Origins and Functions, Delmar Publishers Inc. New York, 1994,p.213,p.208.
3Leiyu Shi, Douglas A., Singh: Essentials of the US Health Care System, Jones and Barrier Publishers, Massachusetts, 2005, p. 1, p.2.
4Kant Patel, and Mark E. Rushefsky, Health Care Polities and Policy in America, M. E. Sharpe Inc., 1999, pp.34- 35.
5Laurene A. Graig, Health of Nations: An International Perspective on U.S. Health Care Reform, Congressional Quarterly Inc. Washington D. C. 1999, p.5.
6Theodore Marmor, et al., Nonprofit Organizations and Health Care, Yale University Press, 1987, p.227.
7U. S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2000, p.118.
8Cathy A. Cowan, et al., National Health Expenditures, 1999, Health Care Financing Review, Summer 2004, Vol. 25. No. 4, p. 146.