
First record of contourites from Lower Devonian Lip-trap Formation in southeast Australia 被引量:1

First record of contourites from Lower Devonian Lip-trap Formation in southeast Australia
摘要 Typical contourite deposits associated with submarine turbidite fan deposits are recognized for the first time from the Lower Devonian Liptrap Formation at Cape Liatrap, Victoria in southeast Australia. The contourites are well integrated within the turbidite fan deposits and are characterized by thin (5-8 cm), lenticular, well-sorted coarse-grained siltstones to fine-grained sandstones with current-ripples and cross beddings. The palaeocurrent directions of the turbidite fan and contourites are perpendicular to each other, with the former directed generally westward while the latter varying from 165° to 190° southward. In view of the facies types and architecture, we suggest that the turbidite fan was developed at the base of a westward inclined palaeo-slope, at the front of which the contourites were deposited as a result of southward flowing deep-sea contour (geostrophic) currents. The depositional setting inter- preted for the Liptrap Formation thus may provide a provisional model for the Lower Devonian conti- nental slope and abyssal basin environment in the southeastern part of the Melbourne Trough. Typical contourite deposits associated with submarine turbidite fan deposits are recognized for the first time from the Lower Devonian Liptrap Formation at Cape Liatrap, Victoria in southeast Australia. The contourites are well integrated within the turbidite fan deposits and are characterized by thin (5–8 cm), lenticular, well-sorted coarse-grained siltstones to fine-grained sandstones with current-ripples and cross beddings. The palaeocurrent directions of the turbidite fan and contourites are perpendicular to each other, with the former directed generally westward while the latter varying from 165° to 190° southward. In view of the facies types and architecture, we suggest that the turbidite fan was developed at the base of a westward inclined palaeo-slope, at the front of which the contourites were deposited as a result of southward flowing deep-sea contour (geostrophic) currents. The depositional setting interpreted for the Liptrap Formation thus may provide a provisional model for the Lower Devonian continental slope and abyssal basin environment in the southeastern part of the Melbourne Trough.
作者 G.R.SHI
出处 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第7期939-946,共8页 中国科学(地球科学英文版)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40672080, 40621002) the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. IRT0546) the Australian Research Council (Grant No. DP0772161 to GRS)
关键词 CONTOURITE TURBIDITE CAPE Liptrap Liptrap FORMATION SOUTHEAST Australia Contourite turbidite Cape Liptrap Liptrap Formation southeast Australia
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