
一种UML活动图到模糊Petri网的转换算法 被引量:1

A Transformation Algorithm from UML Activity Diagram to Fuzzy Petri Net
摘要 UML是软件工程中一种最常用的建模方法。由于UML是半形式化的,许多人致力于将UML转换成形式化方法(如Petri网)的研究。转换之后,对于定性的非功能参数的确认和验证就会更方便。鉴于现实世界中大部分信息的不确定性,系统分析师们提出了模糊UML的概念。尝试将模糊UML活动图转换成Petri网,从而能实现形式化验证以及性能评估。 UML is known as one of the most common methods in software engineering.Since this language is semi formed,many researches and effort have been performed to transform this language in to formal methods including Petri nets.Thus,the operation of verification and validation of the qualitative and non functional parameters could be achieved with more ability.Since the majority of the real world information are uncertain,there fore fuzzy UML diagram has been extensively used by system analyzer.This paper is attempted to transform activity diagrams created in fuzzy UML into fuzzy Petri net.So that the verification and performance evaluation operation could be performed formally,rather than exact visual analysis.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S2期102-106,共5页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 "863计划"(2007AA01Z126)
关键词 模糊UML 模糊PETRI网 活动图 形式化 建模 fuzzy UML fuzzy Petri net activity diagrams formalization modeling
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