
非定常热传导对弹-粘/塑性变形和断裂的红外图像分析 被引量:1

Thermal image analysis of elasto-visco/plastic deformation and fracture by unsteady heat conduction
摘要 本文使用CCD像机、热电偶和红外摄像机对有裂纹平板试样,在单轴拉伸实验中对裂纹尖端附近弹-粘/塑性变形,裂纹的发生、进展,裂纹开口位移和试样表面温度进行了测量。并且用非定常热传导理论对弹-粘/塑性变形和断裂过程中的温度效应进行了解析(FEM)。结果显示对于钛合金在不同的应变速率下,用非定常热传导理论解析得到的裂纹尖端附近温度分布与红外图像非常接近。 In this study,the elasto-viso/plastic deformation,COD and surface temperature around crack tip of pure titanium plate were measured under uniaxial tension used CCD camera,thermocouples and infrared camera.Furthermore FEM elasto-viso/plastic analysis coupled with unsteady heat conduction was performed in elasto-viso/plastic deformation and fracture process.It was shown that the heat distribution of surface around crack tip which titanium plate with different strain rates by FEM analysis with unsteady heat conduction good agree with the thermal image measured by infrared camera.
作者 石健
出处 《计算力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期69-71,85,共4页 Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
关键词 红外图像分析 非定常热传导 弹-粘/塑性变形有限分析 thermal image unsteady heat conduction elasto-viso/plastic deformation FEM
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