

The prevention and care of the early stage serious complication caused by hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage
摘要 目的探讨高血压性脑出血早期严重并发症的防治,旨在降低其病死率和致残率,提高生存质量。方法1999年1月至2004年12月广东省茂名市茂南区鳌头卫生院经头颅CT证实高血压性脑出血患者90例的临床出现严重并发症及防治资料,进行回顾性分析。结果严重并发症有颅内高压85例,脑疝8例;心力衰竭18例,心肌梗死2例,脑心综合征8例;肺水肿3例,肺部感染14例;肾功能不全22例;消化道出血20例;高血糖症38例。存活51例,死亡39例,病死率43.3%。结论高血压性脑出血发病率高,并发症多,病死率和致残率高,故应高度重视高血压性脑出血早期严重并发症的防治,有效调控血压,可减少严重并发症发生,降低病死率和致残率,改善预后。 Objective To research into the prevention and care of the early stage serious complication caused by hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage,aiming at reducing the death rate and disability rate caused by the illness,and raising the survivors living quality.MethodsBy analysing the serious complication of 90 hyertensive cerebral hemorrhage patients confirmed by CT and the information of prevention and care.Results85 patients had high pressure in the cranial cavity;8 patients had brain hernia;18 patients had heart failure;2 patients had myocardial infarction;8 patients had brain and heart syndrome;3 patients had lung oedema;14 patients had lungs infected;22 patients,kidneys didn,t funtion fully.20 patients bleed in the alimentary canal;38 patients had high blood sugar.51 patients survived,and 39 patients died.The death rate caused by the illness was 43.3%.ConclusionThe incidence of the hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage is high.Has much complication the death rate and disability rate caused by the illness are high.So we should pay attention to the prevention and care of early stage serious the complication of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage,Control the blood pressure effectively to reduce the serious complication,Death rate and disability rate and improve the prognoses.
作者 覃毅华
出处 《中国实用内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期107-108,共2页 Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine
关键词 高血压脑出血并发症 hypertention cerebral hemorrhage complication
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