
集约化经营农业资源 精准化管理生态环境 被引量:1

Intensive farming of agricultural resources and precise management of ecological environment.
摘要 该文建立了农业资源与生态环境管理学的概念,选择国土资源、水资源、气候气象、森林植被、农作物为研究对象。界定其研究内容:农业资源与生态环境调查监测、农业资源与生态环境规划设计、农业资源与生态环境运营管理及评价。以现代数学、现代生物学、经济管理学为研究基础科学,以广义3S对地观测技术为高新技术手段,通过地面抽样调查统计、遥感空间模型建立、农业资源与生态环境管理信息系统建设,实现区域城镇、交通、人口、水资源、林灌草、农作物的空间有效优化配置,促进区域可持续发展。 The concept of agricultural resources and ecological environment management is proposed and disccussed, and land resources,water resources,climate,forest vegetation and crops are objectives of this study.The content of the study was confined in investigation and monitor,planning and design,management and evaluation of agricultural resources and ecological environment.The study adopted theories of modern mathematics,modern biology and economic management with the aid of generalized GPS,RS and GIS technology.Through ground investigation and sampling,spatial modelling of remote sensing as well as construction of information system of agricultural resources and ecological environment,spatial effective optimization configuration of town region,transportation,population,water resources,vegetation and crops was realized to promote regional sustainable development.
出处 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(JC200602)
关键词 农业资源 生态环境 遥感模型 全球定位系统 地理信息系统 空间分析 agricultural resource ecological environment remote sensing model global positioning system geographic information system spatial analysis
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