目的:建立一种快速,高分辨,高灵敏的尿蛋白检测的方法(CZE法)。方法:碱性缓冲液中(pH=9.0)各种蛋白都带负电,向阳极泳动。但在强力的电渗流的作用下,实际电泳中向阴极泳动。通过紫外检测器检测信号,最终将其制成电泳图谱。根据图谱中峰面积换算成蛋白含量。结果:本法可在8 min内将尿蛋白电泳分离,其中1号峰为肌酐峰,3号峰为尿白蛋白峰。各组分峰面积天内CV<2.14%,天间CV<9.0%。尿蛋白电泳所测结果与尿微量白蛋白结果之间差异无统计学意义。结论:CZE可快速检测尿液中白蛋白的含量。
Objective:To develop a rapid ,high resolutive and sensitive method for urine albumin separation with capillary zone electrophoresis(CZE). Methods:Protein has negative charges in discontinuous phosphatic buffer system (pH=9.0),and electrophorese to positive pole. But with strong effect of electro osmosis flow, protein electrophorese to negative pole. With violet detection, albumin is quantified according to the percentage of relative peak areas(RPA).Results:Urine albumin can be separated from urine protein by CZE in 8 minutes. Within-run cv displayed <2.14% and between-run cv displayed <9%.The first peak is creatinine, the third peak is urine albumin. There was no obvious difference between the results of urine albumin detected by CZE and chemistry instrument. Conclusion:CZE is a new method for urine albumin separation.
Journal of Clinical Hematology(Blood Transfusion & Laboratory Medicine)