It was a wild ride for China’s economy in 2007.Hanging onto the raging bull was difficult for some and highly profitable for others.Worried that overheating markets could affect the economy,by year’s end,the govern- ment had raised interest rates six times and bank reserves 10 times.The macroeconomic slogan shifted from"prudent to tightened"—a signal that inflation,a surging consumer price index and excess liquidity are the main targets of financial regulators in the coming year.Even though there were jit- ters,the overall economic picture was rosy in 2007:GDP growth around 11.5 percent,foreign and domestic investment growth was up,and domestic consumption took a greater role in overall economic development.
It was a wild ride for China's economy in 2007.Hanging onto the raging bull was difficult for some and highly profitable for others.Worried that overheating markets could affect the economy,by year's end,the govern- ment had raised interest rates six times and bank reserves 10 times.The macroeconomic slogan shifted from'prudent to tightened'—a signal that inflation,a surging consumer price index and excess liquidity are the main targets of financial regulators in the coming year.Even though there were jit- ters,the overall economic picture was rosy in 2007:GDP growth around 11.5 percent,foreign and domestic investment growth was up,and domestic consumption took a greater role in overall economic development.