
挡土墙主动土压力的逐层计算法 被引量:2

Stratum-by-stratum calculation method of active earth pressure on retaining wall
摘要 基于非极限主动状态或在不同位移模式下极限主动状态时墙面和滑裂面的摩擦角不可能沿整个墙高均达到极限值,而是沿墙高变化的实际情况,对卡岗的水平层分析法改进。通过对每一土层采用不同的墙面和滑裂面摩擦角及计算参数,建立了挡土墙主动土压力的逐层计算方法,推导出了挡土墙主动土压力强度、土压力合力及其作用位置的计算公式。与已有试验数据的对比计算可见,逐层计算法计算结果与其他方法计算值及试验成果较为吻合。 Considering the variation of friction angle on wall surface and sliding surface under non-limit state or limit state,the horizontal-stratum analytical method is improved.By using variant friction angle of each stratum,equations of calculating the unit active earth pressure,the resultant active earth pressure and the points of application on retaining wall are induced.It is demonstrated that the calculating results using this method have a good agreement with those using other methods and experimental observations.
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第S1期151-155,共5页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
关键词 挡土墙 主动土压力 摩擦角变化 逐层计算法 retaining wall active earth pressure variation of friction angle stratum-by-stratum calculation method
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