1Czech Republic lllegalises Communist Youth, 19 October 2006, see http ://www. marxist. com/czech-illegalise-communistyouthl91006.htm.
2Intervention by Bulgarian CP "Georgi Dimitrav" to the International Meeting in Athens, 23-25 June 2000, see http://www. solidnet. org/cgi-bin/agent? parties/0170 = bulgaria,_ bulgarian_ communist_ party_ Georgi_ Dimitrov/99'Sdimitrovbulgint2. doc.
3Balkan Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties, 15 September 2006, see http://nkpj. 110mb. com/englis_ page. htm.
4Zdenik Stefek, Signs of Fascisation in the Czech Republic, 2-4 May 2000, see http ://www. icsbrussels. org.
5Hysni Milloshi, Resolution on Solidarity and Material Support for the Communist Party of Albania, 2-4 May 1998, see http ://www. icsbrussels. org.
6http://www. electionworld. org/bulgaria. htm, 7 August 2008.
7http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Bohemia_and_Moravia, 7 August 2008.
8Communist Party Of Bohemia And Moravia, see http :// www.kscm.cz/index.asp? thema = 3217&category = , 4 August 2008.