AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)加密算法是美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)用于加密电子数据的最新规范,用于取代加密安全性已经日渐降低的DES(Data Encryption Standard)算法。本文主要讨论AES算法的电路设计。AES加解密可以共用一套电路并且某些步骤可以合并。
AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) is the newest standard of National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) for data encryption and is used to replace the DES(Data Encryption Standard),the encrypt security level of which is reduced day by day.This article mainly talks about the circuit design of AES.The encryption and decryption of AES can share the circuit and some steps can be combinated.
Computing Technology and Automation