在高校中,学期末成绩表的邮送是一项繁重的任务,以信件的发送方式不但工作量大而且容易出错,为了减少工作量和差错,文章对如何使用Visual Basic语言,读取数据库中的数据,进而生成电子邮件正文,并利用Microsoft MAPI6.0 Controls控件,实现学生成绩以E-mail形式到达学生和家长手中进行了研究。
In universities,the at the end of semester student result table sends by letter is one arduous duty,not only the work load moreover is greatly easy by the letter transmission way to make a mistake,In order to reduce the work load and the mistake,this article will explains how to use Visual Basic language, gets some data in database,makes content of E-mail,and uses Microsoft MAPI6.0 Controls,realizes students' result turn up students and their parents on hand in form of E-mail.
Computing Technology and Automation