
基于ATM E1的网络远动通道组建

Building Remote Channel on the Network of the ATM E1
摘要 为了适应电力调度自动化信息量不断增多的需求,网络远动通道应运而生,并且使用越来越广泛。文章就江苏农村电力信息网建设中的通信问题,针对美国思科公司Cisco 8500系列设备光纤通信的异步传输(ATM)模式,提出了利用ATM E1电路进行改造,以实现变电站网络远动信息传输功能,文章从网络通道构成、接口转换、E1电路软件配置和通道测试等方面作了深刻的阐述。农村信息网建设当初,设备没有配置以太网接口板,现有的E1端口不能直接与网络设备相连。通过实践证明,使用网桥将带宽为2.048Mbps的E1接口转换成10Mbps以太网接口,实现变电站远动信息的传输,是完全可行的。从而节省了以太网接口板的巨额投资,效果很好,实用性强。 For the sake of requirement about adapting amount of information for the electric power scheduling automation to increase continuously, the network remote channel emerges with the tide of the times , and it is being used more and more and extensively.The paper bases on the communication problem about electric power information network construction on part of village in Jiangsu,and the nonsynchronous transmission method of ATM with the fiber communication on the Cisco 8500 series equipments,puts forward a new renovation solution that making use of the ATM El channel to carry out remote information translation function about transformer substation , makes an elaborate deeply on composing of the system,the interface convertion, the El telephone configuration and the test after installing system, etc.Bofore the new renovation solution , the Ethernet interface board didn't be installed in the Cisco 8500 series equipments, and the El port can't be connected with the network equipment directly.By the practice verification, the solution that converting the El interface whose bandwidth is a 2.048 Mbpses to the Ethernet interface whose bandwidth is a 10 Mbpses by using a bridge can arry out the transmission of image monitoring information about transformer substation is completely doable.Do like this, it since saves a huge sum of investment for buying the Ethernet interface board, and again has a very good result and practicability.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第S2期454-458,共5页 Power System Technology
关键词 网络远动通道 农村信息网 ATM E1端口 以太网端口 软件配置 通道测试 net remote channel information net for country ATM E1 port ethernet port soft configure the channel test
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