21,Kwang Nam Choi, Andrew D J Cross, Edwin R Hancock. Lo-calising facial features with matched filters. In:AVBPA'97, Department of Computer Science, University of York,York,Y01 5DD,UK.
32,Ariel Tankus. Hezy Yeshurun and Nathan Intrator. Face Detection by Direct Convexity Estimation. In:AVBPA'97, Department of Computer Science Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv 69978, Israel.
43,Dieckmann U,Plankensteiner P,Schamburger R et al.SESAM:A biometric person identification system using sensor fusion. In:Proceedings of First International Conference of Audio and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, Crans-Montana, Switzerland,March 1997.4 Karin Sobottka, Ioannis Pitas. A fully automatic approach to facial feature detection and tracking. In:AVBPA'97 Department of Informatics, University of Thessaloniki 540 06, Greece.
55,David E Benn, Mark S Nixon, John N Carter. Robust eye centre extraction using the hough transform. In:AVBPA'97 Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO171BJ,England.