
儿童数学学习的个别差异和个性化数学教育 被引量:7

Children's Individual Diversity in Math Learning and Individualized Math Education
摘要 个性化教育是培养21世纪具有创造性和开拓性人才的需要,是当今世界教育与课程改革的趋势,也是我国学前教育发展的方向。近年来对上海市学前儿童数学发展跟踪研究的几组数据表明,3 ̄6岁儿童在数数技能、基数概念、书面数符号表征和加减运算能力的发展方面表现出显著的个别差异。实证研究的数据也表明,儿童的学习风格与数学发展水平有显著正相关,数学高得分组与低得分组儿童在学习风格方面有很大的差异。本文最后从体制或组织的保证、教师的技能与专业成长及个性化数学教育的支持系统三个方面,对如何创造有利于个性化教育的必要条件提出了建议。 Statistics from recent continuous study of math development of Shanghai preschool children reveal that children of 3-6 demonstrate distinct individual diversity in terms of counting skill, concept of cardinal numbers, written number symbols and skill of adding and subtraction. And qualitative study shows that children's level of math development is positively related to their learning style since the high-score and low-score groups show considerable difference in their learning styles. The paper puts forward suggestions to create favorable conditions for individualized education from the aspect of guarantee of system and organization, teachers' skill and professional development, and supporting system of individualized math education.
作者 周欣
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2006年第Z1期30-35,共6页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
基金 全国教育科学十五规划课题(DHA030148) 上海市教育科学研究课题(B033) 台湾信谊基金会课题(搭建桥梁)的资助。
关键词 数学学习 个别差异 个性化教育 math learning individual diversity individualized education
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