
混凝土介质三向应力空腔膨胀模型 被引量:3

A 3-Dimensional Stress Cavity Expansion Model of Concrete
摘要 在当前弹丸垂直侵彻混凝土介质的球型空腔膨胀模型的基础上,引入混凝土材料多轴本构关系与强度准则,用来描述混凝土材料弹性响应区及塑性屈服点的力学行为,建立了混凝土介质三向应力空腔膨胀模型,模型能够有效地反映侵彻过程中混凝土材料的力学现象,其预测侵彻深度结果与试验结果有较好的一致性,使得 SCET 在侵彻问题中的应用更为明确与简化。 Based on the concrete SCET used in the normal penetration by rigid projectile,with the multi-axial material model and strength criterion.a 3-dimensional stress cavity expansion model of concrete are developed,model can re- flect the real physical phenomenon of concrete and the DOP predicated by the model are in reasonable agreement with the test data.so the use of SCET in problem of penetration are expanded and simplified.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第S5期530-532,共3页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 固体力学 三向应力空腔膨胀模型 混凝土 垂直侵彻 solid mechanics 3-D stress SCET concrete normal penetration
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