
Microstructures and Microwave Dielectric Properties of La-Substituted Ba(Mg_1/3Nb_(2/3))O_3 Ceramics

Microstructures and Microwave Dielectric Properties of La-Substituted Ba(Mg_1/3Nb_(2/3))O_3 Ceramics
摘要 La substituted Ba(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3 ceramics was expected to enhance the 1∶2 ordering degree of B-site ions due to the existence of vacancies that promote cation movement and result in improvement of the Q_f value. The relation between the microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba_ 1-xLa_ 2x/3(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3 ceramics was investigated. La substituted Ba(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3 ceramics can improve the sinterability of specimens. Both 1:2 ordering degree and grain size increase as A-site vacancies increase. This can be explained by the existence of vacancies that promote cation movement. The Q_f value increase with small La content, then decrease rapidly. The highest Q_f value achieved in this investigation is about 55000 GHz for Ba_ 0.995La_ 0.01/3(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3. The improvement of Q_f value with A-site vacancies is related to the increase of the degree of B-site ordering and grain size of the specimen. La substituted Ba(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3 ceramics was expected to enhance the 1∶2 ordering degree of B-site ions due to the existence of vacancies that promote cation movement and result in improvement of the Q_f value. The relation between the microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba_ 1-xLa_ 2x/3(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3 ceramics was investigated. La substituted Ba(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3 ceramics can improve the sinterability of specimens. Both 1:2 ordering degree and grain size increase as A-site vacancies increase. This can be explained by the existence of vacancies that promote cation movement. The Q_f value increase with small La content, then decrease rapidly. The highest Q_f value achieved in this investigation is about 55000 GHz for Ba_ 0.995La_ 0.01/3(Mg_ 1/3Nb_ 2/3)O_3. The improvement of Q_f value with A-site vacancies is related to the increase of the degree of B-site ordering and grain size of the specimen.
出处 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第S1期171-174,共4页 稀土学报(英文版)
基金 ProjectsupportedbytheMinistryofEducationofChina
关键词 barium magnesium niobate microwave dielectric properties ORDERING MICROSTRUCTURE barium magnesium niobate microwave dielectric properties ordering microstructure
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