目的探讨代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)发病危险因素对现役飞行人员的影响,提供防治策略。方法测量682例飞行人员体质指数(BMI)、血压、血甘油三酯(TG)、空腹血糖(FPG)等指标,以BMI≥25kg/m^2、血压≥140/90mmHg、TG≥1.7mmol/I。FPG≥6.1mmol/L为异常,上述指标≥3项异常者诊断为MS;比较七述指标在小州年龄组之间的差异;查阅受检者过去健康档案,观察上述指标的动态变化。结果682例飞行人员中共检出MS44例,发病率为6.45%。30岁以下飞行人员未榆出MS患者;31~40岁组发病率为4.73%,41~50岁组发病率为18.99%,51岁以上发病率为25.00%。奉组飞行人员中高BMI、高TG血症、高血压、高FPG异常率分别为39.44%、22.29%、8.21%、1.61%;其中l项代驸指标异常者205例(30.06%),2项指标异常者72例(10.56%),3项指标异常者43例(6.30%),4项指标异常者1例(0.15%),共累及321人,总检出率47.07%。结论MS已成为影响飞行人员身体健康的重要疾病。超重、高脂血症、年龄增长是MS发病的主要危险因素,应引起足够重视。
Objective To survey the risk factors of metabolic syndrome (MS) of military flyingpersonnel so as to provide the basis of prevention and control measures. Methods Body mass index (BMI), triglyceride (TG), fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and blood pressure (BP) were measured for 682 flying personnel. Such diagnostic criteria as BMI≥25 kg/m2 (obesity), TG≥ 1. 7 mmol/L (hypertriglyceridemia), BP≥140/90 mm Hg (hypertension), and FPG≥6. 1 mmol/L (impaired fasting blood glucose, IFG) were chosen based on the criteria issued by China Diabetes Association in 2004. MS was diagnosed in case of the personnel exceeded above 3 or more criteria. Their health history was reviewed upon above mentioned parameters for comparison and analysis. Results ' The crude prevalence of MS was 6. 45% (44 out of 682 cases). The prevalence of MS was 0.00%, 4. 73%, 18.99%and 25.00%respectively corresponding to the flying personnel aged over 20, 30, 40 and 50 years old. The prevalence of obesity, hyper triglyceride, hypertension, raised fasting blood glucose was 39.44%, 22.29 %, 8.21%, and 1.61% respectively. Among which, 321 personnel were diagnosed as metabolic disorders based on one or more abnormal parameters. The total prevalence of abnormal metabolic index was 47.07%. Conclusions The prevalence of MS is so high in military flying personnel. Overweight, hyper triglyceride and aging have become the high risk factors to MS. It is necessary to take early intervention for preventing MS.
Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine
Metabolic syndrome
Risk factors
Health surveys