
时间攻击的研究进展 被引量:1

Advances in Research on Timing Attack
摘要 时间攻击是边界信道攻击的一种重要方法,与传统的密码分析方法不同,它通过分析加密过程中泄漏出的时间信息来获取密钥。文中给出了时间攻击的形式化定义,归纳了国际上的最新研究成果,剖析了时间攻击的实施条件和基本步骤,并结合分组密码给出了可能存在时间攻击的基本操作和模块,总结提出了时间攻击的防范方法。最后,对当前该领域的研究现状作了评述和展望。 Timing attack is one of the most important methods of side channel attack at present. Distinguished from traditional cryptanalysis, timing attack occurs when an attacker is able to use some additional timing information leaked from physical devices. So it is possible to break ciphers. Our study not only summarizes the latest advances in international research, but also proposes formal definition of timing attack, including its implementation environment and basic steps. Then we pay attention to investigating operations and modules of block cipher which could lead to timing attack. And some countermeasures to timing attack are surveyed. Subsequently, the potential research advances are presented so as to draw our attention.
作者 李玮 谷大武
出处 《通信技术》 2005年第S1期140-143,183,共5页 Communications Technology
基金 现代通信国家实验室基金资助项目(51436060205JW0305) 复旦大学ASIC国家重点实验室高级访问学者基金资助项目
关键词 边界信道攻击 时间攻击 分组密码 side channel attack timing attack block cipher
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