This paper takes C8051F020 MCU as the core of Control CMOS Unit, making a further analysis and research on the man-machine interface control system which is made up by the modules, with CMOS chip TFT6448b controls NL6448AC33-18 colorful display screen and C8051F020 MCU controls the four-wired Touch Screen. First, introducing the function and characteristic of C8051F020 CMOS Unit, the ways of interface configurations and the detailed programming, the pins function and the operational principle of TFT6448b and Touch Screen; second, making a description of principle which is C8051F020 control LCD and the Touch Screen operation as desired, giving the system hardware design principle and the software flowchart and elaborating the hardware design diagram and the realization process; third, elaborating emphatically the Touch Screen hardware connection circuit design and the software programming and the debugging, realized the colored LCD and the Touch Screen control function, and the page demonstrating and the page switching function; finally, utilizing the C language programming, all procedures will be understood more easily and conveniently with the modular design for the procedure expansion, the revision and the later application according to the function and the related procedure design.
Journal of Guangxi University of Technology