研究分布式小卫星合成孔径雷达中的多基线干涉技术问题。现有的多基线干涉技术提高三维地形成像性 能的办法主要有两种——利用多幅单视复图像提高干涉图像质量和利用迭代法提高地形高度估计精度。讨论这两种技 术在分布式小卫星合成孔径雷达中的应用。指出分布式小卫星合成孔径雷达中多基线干涉之所以提高干涉图像质量主 要在于:①干涉相位具有更高的估计精度;②干涉相位具有更大的模糊基;③干涉图具有更大的极限平均视数。给出分 布式小卫星合成孔径雷达多基线干涉迭代法提高地形高度估计精度的数据处理流程。
The technique of multibaseline interferometry for distributed small satellite synthetic aperture radar( DSS - SAR) is studied. According to available papers,it is concluded that there are two approaches to achieve multibaseline interferometry. The two methods are the use of multi - pair of SAR images to improve the quality of interferometric SAR image and the use of iterative method to improve the accuracy of elevation estimation These two approaches and their application to DSS - SAR are discussed respectively. It is Pointed out that the quality of the multi - basline interferometric SAR image in DSS - SAR is improved by decreasing interferometric phase error, increasing phase wrapping period and critical look number of mutilook average. The flowchart of the ieerative hight estimation for a multi-baselime interferomatic SAR is presented
Journal of Telemetry,Tracking and Command
Distributed small satellites SAR Multibaseline interferometry