将SAR原始回波信号仿真的时域和频域生成算法进行对比,讨论这两种原始信号仿真生成算法所获得原 始数据的不同应用领域和研究方向。提出一种基于光学照片图像情况下,小平面单元后向散射系数的计算方法。将光 学照片应用于SAR回波信号的仿真,验证了频域生成算法的可行性。并利用RD算法对仿真数据进行成像,得到了这些 数据的SAR图像,验证了这种仿真方法在验证成像算法方面的有效性,该法能为SAR图像的后处理提供丰富的图像数 据。
In this paper the realization of SAR raw signal simulators by time domain method and fourier domain method are described and Compared with each other. The application field and the objective of the research by use of these raw data are discussed. Based on the improvement of facet model, optical pictures are directly used in the simulation of SAR raw signal. The feasibility and speediness of fourier domain method are tested. SAR images are generated form these raw data by the Range-Doppler imaging algorithm. It will enrich the image data resource in the post processing of SAR images.
Journal of Telemetry,Tracking and Command