This paper investigates a mobile telecommunications system that supports both ad hoc and infrastructure mode operations. Based on analytic and simulation models, our study investigates how base station (BS) and ad hoc channel capacity, and the mobility and locality of mobile stations affect the performance of a dual mode system. We show that a dual mode system can significantly outperform a single mode (infrastructure) system when the degree of locality is high. Furthermore, a dual mode system can support much faster mobile users with less BS channels in comparison to an infrastructure mode system. Our study quantitatively identifies the threshold value for the number of ad hoc channels such that beyond this threshold, increasing ad hoc channel capacity will not improve the performance of a dual mode system. Keywords Ad-hoc - infrastructure - dual mode system Yi-Hung Chen received B.S. degree in 2001 and M.S. degree in 2003 of Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu, Taiwan. He is an engineer of QUALCOMM CDMA technologies Taiwan.His research interests include wireless communication and ad-hoc networking.Hui-Nien Hung received the B.S. degree in mathematics from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1989, the M.S. in mathematics degree from National Tsin-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree in statistics from the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, in 1996. He is a Professor at the Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.His current research interests include applied probability, financial calculus, bioinformatics, statistical inference, statistical computing, and industrial statistics. Yi-Bing Lin (M’96-SM’96-F’04) is Chair Professor and Vice President of Research and Development, National Chiao Tung University.His current research interests include wireless communications and mobile computing Dr. Lin has published over 190 journal articles and more than 200 conference papers. His current research interests include wireless communications and mobile computing Dr. Lin has published over 190 journal articles and more than 200 conference papers. Lin is coauthor of the book Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture (with Imrich Chlamtac; published by John Wiley & Sons). Lin is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Fellow, an AAAS Fellow, and an IEE Fellow.
This paper investigates a mobile telecommunications system that supports both ad hoc and infrastructure mode operations. Based on analytic and simulation models, our study investigates how base station (BS) and ad hoc channel capacity, and the mobility and locality of mobile stations affect the performance of a dual mode system. We show that a dual mode system can significantly outperform a single mode (infrastructure) system when the degree of locality is high. Furthermore, a dual mode system can support much faster mobile users with less BS channels in comparison to an infrastructure mode system. Our study quantitatively identifies the threshold value for the number of ad hoc channels such that beyond this threshold, increasing ad hoc channel capacity will not improve the performance of a dual mode system. Keywords Ad-hoc - infrastructure - dual mode system Yi-Hung Chen received B.S. degree in 2001 and M.S. degree in 2003 of Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu, Taiwan. He is an engineer of QUALCOMM CDMA technologies Taiwan.His research interests include wireless communication and ad-hoc networking.Hui-Nien Hung received the B.S. degree in mathematics from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1989, the M.S. in mathematics degree from National Tsin-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree in statistics from the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, in 1996. He is a Professor at the Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.His current research interests include applied probability, financial calculus, bioinformatics, statistical inference, statistical computing, and industrial statistics. Yi-Bing Lin (M’96-SM’96-F’04) is Chair Professor and Vice President of Research and Development, National Chiao Tung University.His current research interests include wireless communications and mobile computing Dr. Lin has published over 190 journal articles and more than 200 conference papers. His current research interests include wireless communications and mobile computing Dr. Lin has published over 190 journal articles and more than 200 conference papers. Lin is coauthor of the book Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture (with Imrich Chlamtac; published by John Wiley & Sons). Lin is an IEEE Fellow, an ACM Fellow, an AAAS Fellow, and an IEE Fellow.