朋友,你知道西昌吗?试想:泛舟邛海,在湖光山色的映照中,细细品味着身后另一叶 小舟的渔民精心现烤的小鱼,懒懒地倚在船栏,享受着阳光暖暖地抚摸,让风儿带走时间的 脚步,留下悠然的一日。晚上,又可沿着河畔,让月与你同步,恍然间渐入佳境,与嫦娥共 舞银河……
Xichang City is a pearl on the tourist route of the Greater Shangri-La. It is an ideal destination for tourists in winter. The city is on its way to become the link for 14 major scenic and historic areas in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. Dubbed 'Sun City', 'Moon City', 'Lesser Spring City' and 'Science City', Xichang is a historically famous city in Southern Sichuan. The city always ready to welcome you with open arms.
Western China