一个是道教文化的发源地, 一个是中华文明的代表。一个以幽的境界甲冠天下, 一个以水利工程造就天府之国。双璧生辉耀环宇青城山茂盛的植物让青绿的色彩永不离去,云绕峰峦,雾笼道观,仙山鸟鸣涧,古径诗留传。这座相伴人类数千年历史的名山处处带着遗世独立的风彩。三十六峰峰峰滴翠,一百零八景景景迷人。秦朝年间便是国家级祭祀山川的圣地,历来为帝王将相凡夫庶民所景仰称道,以至于名流纷至沓来。
As the world's natural and cultural heritage site, Dujiangyan-Mt. Qingcheng has a long-standing history and culture. It has nurtured the vast expanse of fertile soil, making it the well-known Land of Abundance. With a good ecological environment and picturesque scenery, Dujiangyan,embraced by mountains and waters is one of the few landscaping cities, offering the most suitable conditions for human inhabitant in Sichuan Province.
Western China