CPCR(cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation心肺脑复苏)实验教学过程中,以模拟ICU病房为条件,采用分组教学,事先设计典型病例输入高级护理模型所配置的电脑,让学生结合所学医学知识,进行综合判断,采取不同的急救措施。2002级、2003级的教学实践证明,该教学方法逼真形象,同时又能培养学生的应变能力,协作能力及综合应用能力。
In the clinical teaching of CPCR,group teaching was adopted in the case of ICU.Typical cases are set up in the computer,then the students are required to make comprehensive analysis and come up with various emergency methods in combination with medical knowledge.The teaching practice among grade 2000 and grade 2003 proves that this teaching method is not only vivid but also good for the students' coordinating and facilitating ability.
Zhejiang Medical Education