On April 17, over 140,000 residents of Dengfeng gathered in the street to follow the coffin of a woman public servant. Ren Changxia was the first temale in Henan province to become head of a city's.public security bureau and during her three years in office in Dengfena, she cracked hundreds of difficult criminal cases. Ren died in a traffic accident on April 14 while on duty, probing a criminal case. Her colleagues and acquaintances describe her as a mother, a 'good leader, a 'workaholic,' a 'spiritual embodiment' and a woman of 'unyielding temper.
任长霞,河南历史上第一位女公安局长。2004年4月14日夜,在侦破“1·30”案件途中,突遇车祸不幸牺牲,年仅40岁。在4月17日 举行的遗体告别仪式上,登封十里长街挽幛如云,14万群众奔涌着前来送行,哀声如潮。 6月里,记者来到河南省登封市追寻英雄的足迹,听她的亲人、同事、父老乡亲含泪讲述长霞的故事,追忆逝去的亲人。