This paper aims at providing some information on language learning strategies of non-English majors in China and discussing their relationship to listening comprehension. A strategy survey was carried out to identify the students' learning strategies. The subjects are 120 non-English major students in Tianjin Medical University. The survey instruments include a strategy questionnaire and four listening comprehension tests. The SPSS is employed to analyze data. The final results indicate that (1) Non-English major undergraduates were able to describe their use of a wide range of learning strategies. The most frequently used strategies in this study were compensation strategies, and the least frequently employed strategies were memory strategies; (2) Learning strategies demonstrated significant correlation with listening proficiency; (3) Metacognitive strategies were the strongest positive predictor of listening proficiency. Association/elaboration, contextualizing, practicing, reasoning & analyzing, guessing/inferencing, seeking practice opportunities, paying attention, taking risks/tolerance for ambiguity, taking emotional temperature and developing cultural understanding were ways to achieve high listening proficiency in terms of good grades in listening tests in this study. The implication of the study is that teachers can help their students become more effective listeners by encouraging them to apply a variety of learning strategies to listening tasks.