目的 探讨妊娠前后体质量指数 (BMI)及其变化对妊娠结局的影响 ,确定正常孕妇孕期体质量增加的模式 ,为孕期保健提供参考。方法 对 1 874例单胎初产妇 ,测量孕妇体质量指数分布和妊娠前、孕 2 8周、孕 40周体质量指数增加情况 ,分析不同组妊娠结局。结果 与正常BMI孕妇相比 ,高BMI孕妇的妊高征、手术产、高体质量儿发生率及低BMI孕妇的低体质量儿发生率显著增加 ,同时妊娠期BMI显著增加的孕妇妊高征、手术产、高体质量儿发生率显著增加。
Objective\ To study the effects of the gravida body mass index (BMI) and BMI alteration during pregnancy on pregnancy outcome and formulate the pattern of normal gravida weight increasing for pregnancy health care reference. Methods\ Total of 1 874 primigravidas were measured with gravida BMI and BMI alteration among pre-pregnancy, 28 gestational weeks and 40 gestational weeks. The pregnancy outcomes of different BMI groups were analyzed. Results\ The complications such as pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, cesarean section and fetal macrosomia showed higher frequency in high BMI group and intrauterine growth retardation showed frequently in low BMI group. There were statistically significant with normal BMI group. The frequency of complications such as pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, cesarean section and fetal macrosomia was significantly higher associated with BMI increasing during pregnancy. Conclusion\ BMI and BMI alteration during pregnancy were important predictors for pregnancy outcome.
Chinese Journal of Postgraduates of Medicine
body mass index
pregnancy outcome