头饰:在朝天门购得的花,缝在浴帽上项链:用鱼线串上薄膜纸头饰:用旧婚纱上的花片剪下来贴在头上项链:将珍珠缝在旧花片上如果我们要沿着时尚的轨道开足马力高速前进,那就从头开始! 如果我们要沿着时尚的轨道全速倒退回从前,那还是得从头开始!
If we go full steam ahead along the fashion orbit, please begin from the head. If we go full steam back along the fashion orbit, please still begin from the head. So people who have rich imagination present all the adjectives and poems to the hairstyles such as colourful clouds etc. Now. Please turn to the kinds of new hairstyles Gold Madam Photo Studio presentsto the sisters.
The World & Chongqing