在CAR TO CAR正面碰撞中,轻型车辆驾驶员相对于大型车辆具有较高的死亡率,这是由于车辆具有不同的碰撞相容性造成的。碰撞相容性的不同主要取决于车辆自身的特性,车身重量、前部刚度和外形是影响车辆碰撞相容性的重要因素。本文从理论和试验数据方面探讨碰撞相容性在CAR TO CAR 正面碰撞中所起的重要作用。
in CAR to CAR front offset collision, the driverof light duty vehicle has a higher injury potential than thatof heavy duty vehicle. The difference of crash compatibilitydepends on vehicle's property, mass, front stiffness, andshape. This paper analyzes theoretically and experimentallythe essential role of crash compatibility in CAR to CARfront offset collision.
People's Public Transportation