On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press,interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China’s accession to both of theWTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol were discussedin the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsiblefor tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards, FTA and a number of other trade policy-relatedareas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multi-lateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help toa number of developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many timesin connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This inter-view was conducted during his stay in China.
On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press, interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China's accession to both of the WTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol were discussed in the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsible for tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards, FTA and a number of other trade policy-related areas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multilateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help to a number of developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many times in connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This interview was conducted during his stay in China.