一叶知秋。从目前日本青年的订婚纪念物可见邻国之经济!本文信息如此丰富,读之,犹如去了日本一次。文章写得如此可读!细细品味,方能领略其遣词之妙!如: 1/... wearing their affections on their sleeves in the form of brand-name watches 2/Only 60 percent of the newly betrothed forked out for diamond enagage- ment rings last year... 3/Instead of buying an expensive engagement ring that just ends up in a drawer... 4/But the metal's dominance (优势;统治) in the love-token market is under threat from cheaper "white gold" alloys... 5/Nobody much wants to fork out for big-ticket items with the economy so bad. 6/They want quality, but at a budget price. 点评: 第1句中wearing的宾语竟然是affections!又紧接in their sleeves,最后是in the form of...,作者文思之奇崛引人激赏。 第2句中的forked out for简直难以言传! 第3句中ends up in a drawer...,多么深刻.我们自己不也是如此吗?心爱之物,被无情打入“冷宫”! 第4句的dominacnce... is under threat,让人双目圆睁! 第5句又出现了一个fork out for!
Contemporary Foreign Language Studies