本文向读者撕开了巴黎祥和美丽的面纱,让我们见识了巴黎治安的阴暗面!一伙江洋大盗最近瞄准了巴黎五光十色的珠宝店: Eight jewelers in Paris have been robbed so far this year,compared to 13 during thewhole of 2001 ,police said.They suspect more than one group is at work. 假若你去巴黎,步入金光灿烂的珠宝店,突遇一伙持枪蒙面歹徒,你也许不会当场吓昏,因为此文为你埋下思想“伏笔”! 本文用词非常幽默诙谐。请品味: 1/smashed glass displays and then used a battery-operated(靠电池运转的),hand-held vacuum to clean up(本义:打扫干净;整理;赚钱;获利).(注:smashedglass和clean up极不相吻!) 2/Using a vacuum cleaner,that was new.Thieves certainly don’t lackinnovation(不乏创意)(注:don’t lack innovation竟然用到了江洋大盗头上!)
Contemporary Foreign Language Studies