笔者每日上网浏览科普文章。大年初一清晨,在小区湖畔打太极拳归来,读到此文。觉得双目为之一亮!文章讲的是人类的睡眠,却闪烁着哲学思辩!睡眠不足,百病丛生,用本文的话说,就是:Their ability to perform tasks isimpaired,the risk of accident is higher and people are crabby(执拗的,暴躁的).但是,睡眠时间是否越长越好?否!文章的这句话振聋发聩: Everyone knows that eating too much is bad for you. If you eat a little bit less than you desire, you will live longer. It is also true that if we look across the mammalian (哺乳动物) kingdom, the short sleepers live longer. 上句是否可译:人人知道,进食太多对你有害,留得三分饥,你会活地长久些。同理,当我们放眼哺乳动物王国,便发现:睡眠少者长寿。 本文的措辞和句型文采斐然!比如:shut-eye/eight-hour-a-night sleeper/the habit of lingering in bed,均值得玩味一番。 当您某日心情欠佳时,需要记住本文的末句: Some sleep loss actually acts as an antidepressant([医]抗抑郁剂;抗抑郁病药).】
Contemporary Foreign Language Studies