冬天是人们喜欢总结点什么的季节。重庆是个很冬天的都市。冬天一汹涌,"韩流"自然也汹涌。不过今年的寒流不关冬天事,金秋甚至盛夏它就滚滚而来了:红五月韩舞的茑茑燕燕,前不久把山城的亚当夏娃诱惑得迷迷糊糊的韩剧《女主播的故事》。特别是安在旭在地王广场上的咧嘴一笑,且不说倾城,至少震动了不少山城的坡坡坎坎。势利的重庆的 Fans 们竟是抛弃了来自我们香港的任达华哥哥和李嘉欣妹儿,去一心葵花向阳开,把最多的媚献给异国的安弟娃的。
South Korea culture roots in Chinese Culture,is bound up by Japanese culture, but it knows how to use commercial means to gain success.Retaining the es- sence of Asia culture,packed by West- ern culture,the superiority of 'South Ko- rea Trend' can not be keep out:South Korea IV play and movie of aestheticism, sing with exercise all over the body,dress of exaggeration and show.
The World & Chongqing